BIS Hostel

BIS Hostel

BIS Hostel is a home away from home. Every child is nurtured and cared for. We know it can be a hard decision to send your child to hostel. Yet, the decision is made out of love wanting the very best for your child,to give them a brighter future and every opportunity to succeed.

Here are just a few of the benefits your child will get from living in hostel.

1. Discipline at its Best

The strict timings of getting up in the morning, getting ready on time, sleeping by 10 P.M. and timely submission of assignments will discipline your child like nothing else can.

2. Unity in Diversity

A hostel accommodates students from different cultures and backgrounds. Living under the same roof with other students helps your child, be more adjusting and respectful to the people around him. He will also be introduced to cultural diversity and learn to celebrate festivals from around the globe.

3. Independence

Hostel life will teach your child to be independent and take responsibility for his actions. Without the assurance of your protection and pampering, he will learn to stand on his own feet and take his own decisions. What's more, you can compensate for all the missed pampering in the vacations!

4. Personality Development

The biggest advantage of living a hostel life is that your child will not need to enroll for any "personality development" classes. The diverse crowd and challenges in a hostel will groom your little one into a smart and intelligent person with well-honed decision-making abilities.

5. New Opportunities

The competitive environment in a hostel will encourage your child to grab the best opportunities to become a better student and individual. Opportunities will come to him in multiple ways – academics, extra-curricular activities and sports.

6. Confidence

Nothing is more crucial for success than developing excellence and confidence. Hostel life is stellar here. It imparts tremendous confidence to your teen and motivates him to strive for his goals.

Hostel seats are available for more information contact the office.

Welcome to hostel students

We wish to welcome you to your home for the next year. We look forward to lots of activity, lots of work, and lots of fun. We are committed to helping you in any way that we can. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel homesick, or just plain want to get something off your chest…we are here.

We would like the hostel to be a place where you can feel relaxed and truly at home. However, you must understand that we must have some basic guidelines. Respect will be the key to making everyone’s stay here a great one! Respect implies recognition of a person’s worth or value. What does this mean in practical terms? Basically, it means that you need to be considerate of others… their feelings, their belongings, their need for quiet and so on. For our helpers, it means respect for their work… not leaving clothes on the floor, returning things to their proper place, picking up your belongings, not leaving food or drinks on the counter, the living area or in your rooms. Respect for us means respect for the hostel rules.

In His great Love,
